Farbfieber is a charitable association which wants to stimulate with artistic means the meeting and communication of the people and in particular promotes the understanding among nations. Arisen from the Wandmalgruppe Düsseldorf, which painted in 1978 the first murales, Farbfieber organizes since 1987, together with artist Klaus Klinger, projects between artists from different nations. A lot of murals in many lands, to place positive signs for the living together in "One World “
"Mural Global" worldwide mural-painting-project to the Agenda 21
Since 1998 the association organizes the project in which up to now 100 artists and initiatives from 20 lands take part and for which the association has got the patronage of UNESCO. Most projects are possible only about the big honorary engagement of many people, the association disposes of no financial means and public subsidies cover only one small part of the project costs.Klaus Klinger has the artistic and organizational management of the project, Paola Ramirez and Ulrich Wiegner organize, beside their work, the communication with the foreign participants, the creation of the publications and many things more. Other members help in the single actions or by donations. Here the presentation of the project
Mural-Mobil - Art in movement mural mobile -
since 2003 there originated the big, mobile pictures which show other, critical accents in the general public on the subject Globalization and Agenda 21. It is a matter of bringing movement in the town, of showing presence with important subjects and of producing general public.
The 10 x 12 meter mural-mobile, painted from international artist's teams - reflect critically the essential aspects of the Agenda 21 and the globalization. 6 pictures on the subjects War, Poverty, Ecology and Economy have originated, other ones should still follow.
Advantage of the mural-mobile is that they can be used universally to different occasions. The pictures are painted on light plastic (net vinyl), transportable and provided with loops, so that they can be attached at many places for a day or for weeks outside, either as an ensemble or singles. The pictures can be appropriated to buildings and scaffoldings, but also in big halls or to stages.
The pictures go on trip through different towns of Germany and later also round the world.
the project mural-mobil
Art is public
In 1978 students of the academy of arts in Düsseldorf started to paint the facades of the houses in which they themselves lived to protect them against speculation and demolition. However, at the same time it was a matter also of leaving the traditional places of the art. Purpose was a public art and the participation of the people in the artistic and social creation of own environment.

In 1987 the first mural originated in direct cooperation with an artist from Nicaragua which the association invited to Düsseldorf.
Since this time the association and artist Klaus Klinger intensely cooperates with painters from Latin America.

The work of Farbfieber is documented in many books, in several catalogs and television films. However, it can never be enough.
1999 Auszeichnung Robert Jungk Preis
2002 Innovationspreis des Fonds Soziokultur
Übergabe durch Kulturstaatsminister Prof. Dr. Julian Nida-Rümelin
2003 public design, Sonderpreis
2003 NRW-Best Practice Beispiel, Agenda 21
Fürstenwall 210
40215 Düsseldorf
Tel./Fax: 0049-(0)211-378198
E-Mail: farbfieber@t-online.de
homepage: www.farbfieber.de